
/Andy Cockle
Andy Cockle

About Andy Cockle

Andy is a third generation legal brief printer. Cockle Law Brief Printing was founded in 1923 by Andy’s grandparents, who were both attorneys. At that time, the Cockles worked primarily with briefs that were filed in the Nebraska Supreme Court. In the 1980s, Andy and Trish—Andy’s sister and partner—guided the company to specialize in U.S. Supreme Court briefs. Andy is a lifelong resident of Omaha, and he obtained a Business degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He started working at Cockle Law Brief Printing in 1982. Andy schedules briefs, handles marketing, tracks the Supreme Court’s docket, and fields the myriad questions that attorneys ask him in regard to filing a U.S. Supreme Court brief. He enjoys handball, rollerblading, reading and with his wife, Mary Helen, traveling to visit his two grown children.
16 Apr, 2015

Mythbuster: Common Misconceptions About Pro Se Litigation

2020-06-09T16:44:57-05:00April 16th, 2015|

When a litigant proceeds without legal counsel, they are said to be proceeding “pro se” or “on one’s own behalf.”  The task of representing one’s own interests can be daunting, especially when one is misinformed about the nature of pro se litigation.  There are several misconceptions about what it means to proceed pro se.  Below [...]

26 Mar, 2015

Five Tips For Crafting a Persuasive Brief

2019-03-18T18:47:29-05:00March 26th, 2015|

Legal brief writing is the most important aspect of handling an appeal.  In a court such as the United States Supreme Court, where review is discretionary, it may be the only chance you have to make your case.  Even in courts where appeal is a matter of right, the majority of cases are decided on the [...]

20 Mar, 2015

March 20th: New Merits Brief

2015-03-20T15:07:45-05:00March 20th, 2015|

Reply Brief For Petitioners State of Michigan, Et Al. in the vided cases of Michigan v. EPA, Util. Air Regulatory Grp. v. EPA, and Nat’l Mining Ass’n v. EPA, Nos. 14-46, 14-47, and 14-49, filed on March 17th, 2015.