
/Andy Cockle
Andy Cockle

About Andy Cockle

Andy is a third generation legal brief printer. Cockle Law Brief Printing was founded in 1923 by Andy’s grandparents, who were both attorneys. At that time, the Cockles worked primarily with briefs that were filed in the Nebraska Supreme Court. In the 1980s, Andy and Trish—Andy’s sister and partner—guided the company to specialize in U.S. Supreme Court briefs. Andy is a lifelong resident of Omaha, and he obtained a Business degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He started working at Cockle Law Brief Printing in 1982. Andy schedules briefs, handles marketing, tracks the Supreme Court’s docket, and fields the myriad questions that attorneys ask him in regard to filing a U.S. Supreme Court brief. He enjoys handball, rollerblading, reading and with his wife, Mary Helen, traveling to visit his two grown children.
15 Nov, 2010

Merits Briefs

2019-03-18T18:48:11-05:00November 15th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , |

On Friday, the following merits briefs were filed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The briefs can be viewed at this link. The Petitioner's Brief was filed in Stern v. Marshall, No. 10-179; Boeing v. United States, No. 09-1302; Sykes v. United States, No. 09-11311; and Kentucky v. King, No. 09-1271. A Reply Brief was filed in Pepper v. United States, No. 09-6822.

12 Oct, 2010

Posting U.S. Supreme Court Merits Briefs

2019-03-18T18:48:12-05:00October 12th, 2010|

I will periodically post party merits briefs and noteworthy amicus briefs that were printed through Cockle Law Brief Printing Company.  The merits briefs will be posted the day after they are filed with the Court.  All the merits briefs with be archived under the New Filings tab.  The Respondent’s Brief in Virginia Office for Protection [...]

9 Feb, 2010

New York Times Article on Shon Hopwood

2019-03-18T18:48:13-05:00February 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |

On several occasions we have had attorneys question how Shon is so knowledgeable about the Supreme Court, but yet, is not an attorney.  An article in today’s New York Times answers that question.  The article can be viewed here. Both Cockle and Shon want to say thank you to all the Cockle clients who have [...]

24 Aug, 2009

The Cockle Blog Is Launched

2019-03-18T18:48:16-05:00August 24th, 2009|Tags: , , |

Cockle Law Brief Printing Company is proud to announce that a legal web blog will be launched in conjunction with the new Cockle website. Cockle Blog will provide Supreme Court news, articles on Supreme Court practice and filing rules, postings of briefs printed at Cockle, and links to other legal blogs providing Supreme Court developments.