The U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2011 term has already been marked by the issue that will surely define it in the decades to come: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act litigation. The Court has not yet granted certiorari in any of the cases, but the inevitability of Supreme Court review is just about the only thing the spectrum of pundits can agree upon. 

Cockle Law Brief Printing Company will invite all of our customers filing in any of the healthcare cases to post their briefs on our website. We hope that parties and amici who rely on Cockle to print their Supreme Court work will find this to be a helpful method of demonstrating their views and arguments for the world. We also look forward to inviting readers across the web, from the scholarly to the curious, to stop by and see the workings of a Constitutional debate that promises to help define who we are as a Nation into the future. 

You can find the first healthcare litigation post at our website. The American Center for Law & Justice, 105 Members of the United States Congress, and the Supreme Court Committee to Declare Obamacare Unconstitutional have filed their Amici Curiae Brief in Florida v. HHS, No. 11-400, and you can read it here.