Friday was the due date for amici filing in support of the Administration on the Medicaid question. Here are two briefs filed by Cockle Printing:

Brief of Amici Curiae Health Law & Policy Scholars and Prescription Policy Choices in Support of Respondents on the Constitutional Validity of the Medicaid Expansion

Brief of David Satcher, M.D., Ph.D.; Alliance for Children and Families; American Association of People with Disabilities; American Association of University Women; Child Welfare League of America; Children’s Defense Fund; The Education Trust; League of Women Voters; Methodist Healthcare Ministries; National Association of Girls and Women in Sport; National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare; National Council on Independent Living; National Foster Parent Association; National Organization of State Associations for Children; North American Council on Adoptable Children; Paralyzed Veterans of America; Vet to Vet; Volunteers of America; Women’s Sports Foundation; YWCA USA; and 59 Other Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents (Medicaid)