Three sets of amici have recently filed briefs in DHHS v. Florida, No. 11-398:

Brief Amici Curiae of Prescription Policy Choices, Professors of Law, and Professors of Health Policy in Support of Petitioners on the Minimum Coverage Provision

Brief of Health Care For All, Inc., Health Law Advocates, Inc. The Massachusetts Hospital Association, Inc., The Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Inc., Greater Boston Interfaith Organization, Inc., and Community Catalyst, Inc., as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners Urging Reversal on the Minimum Coverage Provision Issue.

Brief of Amici Curiae Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action (JALSA), Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (JCUA), Jewish Social Policy Action Network (JSPAN), New England Jewish Labor committee (JLC), and Professor Abigail R. Moncrieff in Support of Petitioners on the Individual Liberty Implications of the Minimum Coverage Provision