Briefs Filed

/Briefs Filed
21 Feb, 2012

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2019-03-18T18:47:47-05:00February 21st, 2012|

Friday was the due date for amici filing in support of the Administration on the Medicaid question. You can find two briefs filed by Cockle Printing at our website: Brief of Amici Curiae Health Law & Policy Scholars and Prescription Policy Choices in Support of Respondents on the Constitutional Validity of the Medicaid Expansion Brief [...]

20 Feb, 2012

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2012-02-20T16:18:19-06:00February 20th, 2012|

Last week was a big one in the Supreme Court’s healthcare cases. Three different amicus due dates fell during the week, including a filing deadline for opponents of the controversial individual mandate. Here are some the amicus briefs we filed supporting the Respondents on the Minimum Coverage Provision Issue (and you can find links to each [...]

17 Feb, 2012

New Merits Briefs Filed by Cockle Printing

2012-02-17T23:37:02-06:00February 17th, 2012|

Brief for Respondent in Jackson v. Hobbs, No. 10-9647, filed on February 14, 2012 Brief of Respondent in Miller v. Alabama, No. 10-9646, filed on February 14, 2012 Petitioners’ Reply Brief in Elgin v. Dept. of the Treasury, No. 11-45, filed on February 15, 2012