Briefs Filed

/Briefs Filed
3 Nov, 2011

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2019-03-18T18:47:51-05:00November 3rd, 2011|

The Pacific Legal Foundation, Matthew Sissel, Americans for Free Choice in Medicine, and The Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence have filed their Amicus Curiae Brief in Virginia v. Sebelius, No. 11-420, and you can read it here. Timothy Sandefur, counsel of record for the amici and regular contributor to The Cocklebur, has posted his comments on [...]

3 Nov, 2011

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2019-03-18T18:47:51-05:00November 3rd, 2011|

The Pacific Legal Foundation, Matthew Sissel, Americans for Free Choice in Medicine, and The Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence have filed their Amicus Curiae Brief in Virginia v. Sebelius, No. 11-420, and you can read it here. Timothy Sandefur, counsel of record for the amici and regular contributor to The Cocklebur, has posted his comments on the brief and the issues here.

1 Nov, 2011

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2019-03-18T18:47:51-05:00November 1st, 2011|

The U.S. Supreme Court’s October 2011 term has already been marked by the issue that will surely define it in the decades to come: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act litigation. The Court has not yet granted certiorari in any of the cases, but the inevitability of Supreme Court review is just about the [...]

1 Nov, 2011

Cockle Printing’s Healthcare Litigation Forum

2011-11-01T15:07:00-05:00November 1st, 2011|

The American Center for Law & Justice, 105 Members of the United States Congress, and the Supreme Court Committee to Declare Obamacare Unconstitutional have filed their Amici Curiae Brief in Florida v. HHS, No. 11-400, and you can read it here.