Supreme Court Rules

/Supreme Court Rules
22 Apr, 2016

The Making of a Reversal (part 4)

2019-03-18T18:47:22-05:00April 22nd, 2016|

The previous parts of this look at the docket for a major regulatory case that ended with a decision upholding the government tracked the timelines and procedural stages. This final part looks a bit more closely at the several organizations and people who offered their thoughts to the Court without official invitation or direct interest [...]

21 Apr, 2016

The Making of a Reversal (part 3)

2016-04-21T21:46:31-05:00April 21st, 2016|

Merits Stage: Once the Court granted certiorari in the consolidated cases, moving it from the petition phase to the merits phase, the Court’s focus shifted from whether to decide the dispute to how to resolve it. And that called for a whole new round of briefing from the parties and any old or new “friends.” [...]

20 Apr, 2016

The Making of a Reversal (part 2)

2016-04-20T18:59:03-05:00April 20th, 2016|

Petition Stage: The linked regulatory cases that are the subject of this four-part look at the Supreme Court’s docket began in the typical way for any request for certiorari review, with final decisions at the top of a chain of lower courts. On May 23, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of [...]

19 Apr, 2016

The Making of a Reversal (part 1)

2019-03-18T18:47:22-05:00April 19th, 2016|

If you follow a big U.S. Supreme Court case in the news, you see an occasional milestone – certiorari petition filed, cert. granted, oral argument, and the decision – and you hear from the lead counsel for the two sides, along with all the commentary from talking heads. If you follow it on the Court’s [...]

15 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 5)

2021-01-12T12:27:30-06:00March 15th, 2016|Tags: |

The first four parts of this series covered the Supreme Court appendix contents that are either required or that are too lengthy to leave in the brief. This final installment addresses a provision that allows pretty much anything, but that should be used with caution. Other Material Believed Essential. Rule 14.1(i)(vi) is the tempting catchall [...]

10 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 4)

2021-01-12T12:26:56-06:00March 10th, 2016|

Rehearing Denial. The last required appendix document may or may not exist, but if it does, it goes at the end of the required category. This would be an order denying rehearing by the court that issued the final judgment you are directly challenging. Rule 14.1(i)(iii). Or the last document may be something else, depending [...]

8 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 3)

2021-01-12T12:26:19-06:00March 8th, 2016|

So far this series has covered the critical opening document of an appendix for a U.S. Supreme Court petition for certiorari. Now we move down the list in Sup. Ct. R. 14.1(i) to other must-have documents. Other Relevant Decisions. After the decision you actually want the Supreme Court to review comes a required category of [...]

1 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 1)

2021-01-12T12:24:47-06:00March 1st, 2016|

When you are putting together a U.S. Supreme Court petition’s “appendix,” forget what you know about collections of documents going by the same name under lower federal court and state court appellate rules. Just read Supreme Court Rule 14.1(i). The rule’s limited categories of required documents reflect the high court’s unique role and the narrow [...]

12 Aug, 2014

Misunderstood Supreme Court Rules: What’s There, What’s Not, and…What’s That Mean?

2019-03-18T18:47:34-05:00August 12th, 2014|Tags: |

The U.S. Supreme Court Rules describe an utterly unique and highly specific set of practice standards. Every new filer—whether she is a seasoned litigator with years of experience in the lower courts, or a pro se petitioner—should review the Rules to make sure the document will be accepted by the Clerk. However, many of the [...]