
8 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 3)

2021-01-12T12:26:19-06:00March 8th, 2016|

So far this series has covered the critical opening document of an appendix for a U.S. Supreme Court petition for certiorari. Now we move down the list in Sup. Ct. R. 14.1(i) to other must-have documents. Other Relevant Decisions. After the decision you actually want the Supreme Court to review comes a required category of [...]

3 Mar, 2016

Petition Appendix (pt 2)

2021-01-12T12:25:35-06:00March 3rd, 2016|

Now that you know how to focus your purpose in selecting appendix documents, you have to narrow your selection to the particular categories set out in the Supreme Court Rules. Required:  “Relevant” lower court/agency orders. The required petition appendix documents are all court or administrative agency orders of some stripe.  Rule 14.1(i)(i-iv). One thing to [...]

5 Feb, 2016

February 5th: Recently Filed Petitions

2016-02-05T21:35:51-06:00February 5th, 2016|

  To read any of these Supreme Court petitions, click the heading to open this post, then follow the links! Tarasenko v. Univ. of Arkansas, filed on February 1, 2016 Knight v. Thompson, filed on February 2, 2016 Vawter v. Comm’r of the Ind. Bureau of Motor Vehicles, filed on February 4, 2016  

25 Nov, 2014

This Week In Supreme Court History: The Birth of The Builder

2019-03-18T18:47:32-05:00November 25th, 2014|

Since the founding of the Republic, the United States Supreme Court has sat atop the federal judiciary, representing one of the three co-equal branches of government. Yet the Court did not get its own, permanent home until 1935. In that year, the Court moved from the Old Senate Chamber in the Capitol Building, and took [...]

21 Nov, 2014

November 21st: Recently Filed Petitions

2014-11-21T17:46:31-06:00November 21st, 2014|

Oklahoma v. Burwell, filed on November 18, 2014 Kagan v. City of New Orleans, filed on November 18, 2014 Hurst v. Lee Cnty., Mississippi, filed on November 19, 2014 Kot v. U.S., filed on November 20, 2014