
5 Feb, 2010

Quon Topside Brief Filed

2019-03-18T18:48:14-05:00February 5th, 2010|Tags: , , , |

Today, the Petitioner’s Brief and Joint Appendix were filed in City of Ontario, et al. v. Quon, et al., No. 08-1332.  The Quon case involves the issue of whether the search of a government-issued text-messaging pager used by a SWAT member to send and receive hundreds of personal messages violates the Fourth Amendment right to unreasonable searches [...]

29 Jan, 2010

McDonald v. City of Chicago—The Reply Brief

2019-03-18T18:48:14-05:00January 29th, 2010|Tags: , , , |

Today, Cockle filed the Petitioner’s Reply Brief in McDonald v. City of Chicago, No. 08-1521. In that brief, McDonald’s counsel of record, Alan Gura, once again calls on the Court to overrule The Slaughterhouse Cases, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 36 (1873), or in the alternative, hold that the Due Process Clause incorporates the Second Amendment [...]