

The Cockle Bur Blog

Legal minds on legal matters and whatever else strikes our fancy.

5 Oct, 2013

Conversations About the Law Series: Josh Blackman

2019-03-18T18:47:41-05:00October 5th, 2013|Tags: , , , |

Over the next couple of months, the CockleBur will provide a series of conversations about the law with a number of prominent legal journalists, practitioners, scholars, policy makers, and social justice advocates. I chose these particular people because I think they can bring a unique perspective about topics such as advocacy, legal [...]

27 Sep, 2013

New Merits Briefs Filed by Cockle Legal Briefs

2013-09-27T14:37:57-05:00September 27th, 2013|

Respondent Hollywood Greyhound Track, Inc.’s Brief, in Unite Here Local 355 v. Mulhall, No. 12-99, filed on September 20, 2013 Reply Brief, in Schuette v. Coal. to Defend Affirmative Action, No. 12-682, filed on September 23, 2013 Respondent’s Brief on the Merits, in Fernandez v. California, No. 12-7822, filed on September 25, 2013