

The Cockle Bur Blog

Legal minds on legal matters and whatever else strikes our fancy.

23 May, 2017

9th Circuit Frequently Asked Questions

2019-03-18T18:47:16-05:00May 23rd, 2017|Tags: , , |

Where can I find information about electronic filing and the Appellate Case Management/Electronic Case Files (“CM/ECF”) system? All information about electronic filing and Appellate CM/ECF is available at What color should I use for the cover of my brief? Opening Brief by appellant and petitioner: Blue Answering Brief by appellee and respondent: Red Reply [...]

17 May, 2017

Questions Presented: New Practice Note

2019-03-18T18:47:16-05:00May 17th, 2017|

The most elemental feature of a petition for writ of certiorari is the Questions Presented page. Here the petitioner must concisely set out the basic issues at stake. Experienced Supreme Court practitioners consider a well-crafted Questions Presented to be the most critical tool for gaining cert consideration. In the words of Supreme Court scholar Stephen [...]

15 May, 2017

Biography of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

2019-03-18T18:47:16-05:00May 15th, 2017|Tags: , , |

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (or “Notorious RBG” as she is affectionately known as in the law blogging world) was born in Brooklyn, New York, on March 15, 1933. Although Ginsburg has a lengthy list of accomplishments earning her the “notorious” moniker, one of her most notable accomplishments includes being only the second female United States Supreme [...]

11 May, 2017

Staff Spotlight: Kaitlin Naylor

2019-03-18T18:47:17-05:00May 11th, 2017|Tags: , |

Staff Spotlight: Kaitlin Naylor   Where Did You Grow Up? Knoxville, Tennessee   Job Title: Document Analyst   What I Actually Do At Cockle:  I assist Cockle’s clients in bringing their filings into compliance with the Supreme Court’s rules either in guiding them through our full service process, providing Camera Ready reviews to bring their [...]

28 Apr, 2017

April 28th: New Merits Brief

2017-04-28T17:02:58-05:00April 28th, 2017|

Respondents’ Brief in Support of Petitioner on Behalf of Agrowstar, LLC, et al. in Nat’l Ass’n of Mfrs. v. Dep’t of Defense, No. 16-299, filed on April 26, 2017   To read this Supreme Court merits brief, or to review the Court’s docket for this case, click the heading to open this post, then follow [...]

28 Apr, 2017

April 28th: Recently Filed Petition

2017-04-28T16:58:23-05:00April 28th, 2017|

Tanner Servs., LLC v. Guidry, filed on April 24th Nies v. Town of Emerald Isle, filed on April 26th   To read either of these Supreme Court petitions, click the heading to open this post, then follow the links!

27 Apr, 2017

For Want of a Comma

2019-03-18T18:47:17-05:00April 27th, 2017|Tags: , |

“For want of a comma, we have this case.” This is the opening sentence to a recent opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.  In O'Connor v. Oakhurst Dairy, No. 16-1901 (1st Cir. 2017), the First Circuit ruled on whether a missing Oxford comma in an overtime exemption statute entitles [...]

25 Apr, 2017

The Court’s Complex Filing Rules

2019-03-18T18:47:17-05:00April 25th, 2017|Tags: , , , , , |

When filing a brief in the United States Supreme Court, there are distinct formatting requirements that must be observed and followed. These requirements are set forth in Supreme Court Rule 33.1, which describes the Court’s required booklet formatting. Below are a few of the Supreme Court’s more obscure rules for filing in booklet format. Every [...]

13 Apr, 2017

Neil Gorsuch Sworn in as Newest Supreme Court Justice

2017-04-13T18:26:30-05:00April 13th, 2017|Tags: , , |

The filibuster led by the Senate Democrats was ultimately futile when the Republicans retaliated by triggering the nuclear option to end the bitter battle over Scalia’s vacant seat and confirm Neil Gorsuch as the next Supreme Court Justice in a 54 to 45 vote last Friday. Gorsuch was sworn in as the 113th Justice on [...]