We are getting near the end of the Court’s October 2012 Term. Some petitioners and respondents might be thinking about timing their filings to either have the case considered this term, or have it carried through the summer and into next fall.

The last conference for this term is June 20th, and the last paid-petition distribution date for that conference is June 4th. Working back through the calendar, the last brief in opposition filed-date to get a case into the last conference will be Friday, May 24th. (But a waiver-of-response filed after May 24th would eliminate the 10-day waiting requirement (see Rule 15.5), and such cases might still distribute in time for the last conference).

All of this puts the last petition filing date to reasonably expect a conference this year at sometime in the week of April 15th – 19th. The exact deadline is hard to pin down because the 30-day response clock starts at the docketing day, sometime after the filed petition gets through screening. But a petition that is actually docketed by April 24th will get a scheduled response date by May 24th. Of course, if the respondent requests and receives an extension, the conference will push past the end of the term.

All distributions after June 4th and through the summer will be considered in the long conference at the end of September.

The Court’s scheduled argument days for this term have been full for about a month, so without special argument scheduling, all grants through the end of this term will argue next term, beginning October 7th.

The 2012 Term Calendar is here, and the current distribution schedule is here. The new 2013 Term Calendar is here.