With the news that the Solicitor General has joined with Affordable Care Act opponents to request a US Supreme Court ruling on the individual mandate, Randy Barnett over at The Volokh Conspiracy is predicting a decision in mid-June of next year.

It got me thinking about my schedule for that summer…

March 12th, a solemn toast to Obama-care and the federal agencies that will begin collecting data on health care disparities in the US; in my community, infant mortality for black children is three times higher than it is for whites. (That’s not some novel constitutional theory, it’s just too many dead kids.)

April 24th, as the final primary results come in, status update on the presumptive Republican nominee’s efforts to drag the campaign back to the center, and give himself a chance in the general. (Not “herself,” because Bachmann would never, and could never.)

May 20th, stare at the solar eclipse. (I read somewhere that even if I willfully or lazily destroy my own corneas, the Obama administration will replace them with a compulsory organ donation from a job-creating entrepreneur.)

Mid-June, read the Supreme Court’s ACA decision to see what Justice Kennedy decided for us. Read some of the coverage describing the end of the American Experiment. Read some of the coverage heralding a New American Era. Wake up the next morning in pretty much the same America.

July 27th, watch the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics. (If you are going to the UK to watch the Games, try to get a check-up while you’re there; two-thirds of the Queen’s subjects approve of the National Health Service, and it’s free. Communists.)

August 31st, read at least three commentary items that note the ironic similarities between the just-concluded Republican National Convention in Tampa, and the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. (Is it hot in Tampa during August?)

September 1st, go to my brother’s house to watch the Cornhuskers open their championship season against Southern Miss on his billion-inch project-o-rama TV. (Go Corn.)

September 3rd, wryly acknowledge that the marketing geniuses at the DNC might have found a different day to open their national convention, maybe a day that isn’t Labor Day. (Communists.)

September 22nd, as summer slips into fall, re-assess my life and ask if next year I can come up with a schedule that’s a little less nerdy.