New York Times

/Tag: New York Times
5 Aug, 2011

The Case Against Law School: A Student’s View of the Law School Debate

2019-03-18T18:47:55-05:00August 5th, 2011|Tags: , , , |

“F*** greedy law schools” seems to be the phrase of the day. At least on the blogosphere. A few weeks ago, David Segal had an excellent expose on the culture of greed that permeates the business of law school. He appropriately entitled his piece: “Law School Economics: Ka-Ching!” The NY Times followed [...]

8 Jul, 2011

Should Non-Lawyers Be Allowed to Represent People before Immigration Courts?

2019-03-18T18:47:56-05:00July 8th, 2011|Tags: , , , |

Yesterday, the New York Times had an interesting piece about the role that non-lawyers play in New York immigration courts. Father Robert Vitaglione, a non-lawyer, represented people in immigration cases. The Times reports that: For more than three decades, Robert Vitaglione never turned down a client, representing thousands of immigrants in New York’s [...]

14 Jun, 2011

The Supreme Court’s Use of Dictionaries

2011-06-14T16:49:48-05:00June 14th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , |

Yesterday, Adam Liptak at the NY Times covered a Supreme Court trend: the Justices’ use of dictionary definitions in their opinions. He writes that: In May alone, the justices cited dictionaries in eight cases to determine what legislators had meant when they used words like “prevent,” “delay” and “report.” Over the years, justices have looked [...]

20 May, 2011

Weekly Roundup for May 20, 2011

2019-03-18T18:48:01-05:00May 20th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Opinions and Orders of the Court Kentucky v. King, 09-1272, May 16, 2011 The Fourth Amendment generally bars warrantless searches, except under certain exigent circumstances, such as the imminent destruction of evidence. An exception to the exception applies when the police create the exigency by acting or threatening to act unconstitutionally. In [...]

29 Dec, 2010

New York Times Discusses the Necessary and Proper Clause

2019-03-18T18:48:10-05:00December 29th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |

Kevin Sack at the New York Times has an intersting article on the shift of public debate regarding the Affordable Care Act. Whereas that debate begins with the Commerce Clause it may end with the Supreme Court determining the scope of the Necessary and Proper Clause.

9 Feb, 2010

New York Times Article on Shon Hopwood

2019-03-18T18:48:13-05:00February 9th, 2010|Tags: , , , , |

On several occasions we have had attorneys question how Shon is so knowledgeable about the Supreme Court, but yet, is not an attorney.  An article in today’s New York Times answers that question.  The article can be viewed here. Both Cockle and Shon want to say thank you to all the Cockle clients who have [...]